NOTE: The Assignment ID must be added to the Source Field located in the 'File Info' and
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Assignment ID: 30160793A
Slug: NFL
Story Summary: Portraits of Kevin Turner
Desk: SPT
When: Friday 07/11/2014 10:00 AM
Can time be changed? No
Where: TBA
Port St. Lucie, FL, United States
Contact: ken Belson - writer
Contact phone: belson@nytimes.com
Contact e-mail:
Instructions: Kevin Turner is a former NFL player who has ALS and is in pretty bad shape. (His speech is pretty hard to understand but he still texts)
Turner lives in Alabama and goes to Port St Lucie to get treatment. He's also the lead plaintiff in the concussion law suit against the NFL, which is now nearing settlement. It sounds like we'll get access to hang with Turner at the house/apartment he rents and then go with him to his treatment at a clinic. His condition is fairly poor, and his speech is strained, so please keep that in mind. Looking for portraits and candid reportage of him. Please coordinate with Ken on where to be and when on Friday.
Caption Information:
Photographer Assigned: Ritchie,Josh
Reporter: belson,Ken
cell: 817 837 8246
Business: x7237
email: belson@nytimes.com
Will be there? Yes
Requested by: Furticella,Jeffrey
Work: x1977
email: jeffrey.furticella@nytimes.com
Editor: Furticella,Jeffrey
Work: x1977
email: jeffrey.furticella@nytimes.com
Deadline Date:
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