Hi Josh,
We'd like you to shoot Bruce Berkowitz, founder and the Managing Member of
the Fairholme Fund, today 3-4pm. You may arrive at 1:30pm. This is for a
6-col story and will run anywhere from 1/4 - full page, so shoot a variety
(if you can). I'm not sure what we're saying about Bruce. Let's get him
with a variety of expressions.
I'd love to see photos on Monday. You can send a weblink or send to my ftp:
user: bwphoto-mindy
pass: shu8Seyo
The pitch:
Professional investors often say that they like to see that a company’s
senior management has a decent financial stake in their own firm. Shouldn’t
the same hold for a mutual fund manager? There’s a definite link between
fund performance and having some skin in the game. But according to
Morningstar, even fewer managers are investing in their own funds now. We
show what managers are big investors in their own funds--and some notable
ones who aren’t--and look at the changes taking place to encourage managers
to have more of their own money in their funds. (DeutscheBank, for one, now
pays managers bonuses in shares of their fund, not in DB company stock.)
Brian Ehrlich
Fairholme Fund
Bruce Berkowitz
305 794-0080 - don't call unless absolutely necessary, call Brian first
Works from home
14 Tahiti Beach Island Rd
Coral Gables, Fl
Wife - Tracy
Mindy Katzman
Asst Photo Editor
1221 Avenue of the Americas
43rd floor, Photo
New York, NY 10020
212-512-2073 work
212-512-6995 (fax)